The first time we met

I wish I could recall with precision, what you looked like the first time we met. The exact contours of your face, the colour of your eyes, the texture of your lips, the smell, the feel, the presence of you. I wish I could go back to that exact moment and kiss the living daylights out of you. Oh, if only my memory was a movie I could replay at will, pausing at every frame that includes you. Maybe pausing for so long that I forget to return to the present.

Aftershocks of desire

I reel

under aftershocks of desire

For hours after

Twinges coursing through my veins

Setting my cells on fire

So unbearable

So pleasurable

All I can do is close my eyes

And wait for the sweet storm to pass

Or hope to be trapped in its grasp forever.

Stupid crybaby

Stupid crybaby

Never been able to get a handle

On the damned waterworks

Never been able to put a censor on

Or stem the flow of my feelings

Stupid, stupid, stupid

No idea how I got here

But here I am

Naked as a newborn babe

With nothing at all to shield me

From the numbing pain of my hurting heart.

A little too much

If I wanted you less,

it would be so much simpler

my emotions in check

and not a rollercoaster ride

through highs and lows

that leave me feeling

painfully uncertain

But as things stand,

I want you a little too much.

If I missed you less,

I'd be in a much better place

Not battling cravings

for you

Every waking second.

But as things stand,

I miss you a little too much.

If I loved you less,

it would be so much easier

my heart safer

my days calmer

But as things stand,

I love you a little too much.