Aftershocks of desire

I reel

under aftershocks of desire

For hours after

Twinges coursing through my veins

Setting my cells on fire

So unbearable

So pleasurable

All I can do is close my eyes

And wait for the sweet storm to pass

Or hope to be trapped in its grasp forever.

A little too much

If I wanted you less,

it would be so much simpler

my emotions in check

and not a rollercoaster ride

through highs and lows

that leave me feeling

painfully uncertain

But as things stand,

I want you a little too much.

If I missed you less,

I'd be in a much better place

Not battling cravings

for you

Every waking second.

But as things stand,

I miss you a little too much.

If I loved you less,

it would be so much easier

my heart safer

my days calmer

But as things stand,

I love you a little too much.