Sunny days


The sun and the time

I think they're having a secret love affair

For on the sunniest of days,

Time moves at a slow, languid pace

Like the opening notes of a love song.

Even the wind appears to slow down 

Coaxing only lazy shivers from the sun-warmed trees

And their shadows

On sun-warmed windows.

Everything that the sun touches

Glows with pleasurable warmth -

The kind that rises inside you,

When you take a deep swill of whiskey.

The wispy summer clouds and the July pollen

They slow down too,

For on the sunniest of days,

Time stretches like a string of gum

Almost convincing you 

That the day will never end

These balmy hours suspended in time 

Everlasting, like the lingering taste of a passionate first kiss.

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